Evening with the birds

Event Location: Tr. Kailash’s Residence

Numbers: 2

Event Description: Without Laboratories men of science are soldiers without arms.. Mysore Amity Round Table 156 in association with Mysore Amity Ladies Circle 108 donated a Science Lab ( Painted ) to the students of Hinkal Govt School. We were privileged to have Area 13 Chairperson GLMF Cr. Nidhi Shah and Area 13 Charter Area Chairman LMF Tr. Kailash to inaugurate the Science Lab.

Total cost of the project – Rs.34294/-
Table contribution- Rs.3,000/-

RTI Kitchen

Event Location: Shanthi Sagar complex, Mysore

Event Description: For the national initiative of RTI Kitchen of providing food to poor people and police and other departments invoved to work for COVID19 situation in Mysore. At Mysore we all four tables 21,108,156 and 256 jointly is doing this project while 109 table is handling the kitchen. From Amity round table 156 we have donated 25000 for the kitchen expenses apartment from personal contribution of 5000 each from Tr Adith and Tr chirag.

Donated sewing machine

Event Location:


Event Description: 10 sewing machines are donated by RT 156 & LC108 as joint project and they were trained by Lions club Mysore West for 3 months .. Table contribution -16500, Circler contribution -Rs.19,250/- and grant received – Rs.19250- . Total cost of the project- Rs.55,000/-

GRS outing for deaf and dumb students

Event Location: GRS Fantasy Park

Numbers: Deaf and Dumb students from Sai Ranga deaf and dumb school

Event Description: As part of our Charter day celebrations of MART 156 took 43 deaf and dumb students from Sai Ranga deaf and dumb school to GRS Fantasy Park on 19th Dec 2019. Rs 21,500/- was spent for this project and excluding transportation arrangement done by Ladies circle 108.

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